Dumb Diddy Dumb
Friday, May 26, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
I wish I was a.........
I wish I was a dog. Those are 6 words that I will hesitate to say in the future. Usually those words are spoken when referring to the fact that dogs don't have to go to work, or how all they do is sleep and eat. Well, I wish I was a dog no more. You see, the other day I was walking down the stairs to my basement. When I Got to the final step I noticed a big slimy hairball lying in the middle of the floor, coughed up by one of the cats of course. My first thought was to ignore it. You know, pretend like I didn't see it so that eventually Amy would come across it and have to clean it up, but:
A) I'm not that kind of person (Honestly!)
B) That's gross to leave a hairball on the floor
I went to get a paper towel so I could clean it up and when I returned, Ocho was in the spot where the hairball was, smacking her lips. Needless to say, the hairball was gone. That's GROSS!! Later while sitting on our porch, I noticed Ocho attempting to eat something off the ground, upon further investigation I realized that it was a dead bumble bee. So, for these reasons and others (like the whole but licking thing,) I DON'T Wish I was a dog!
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Meeting the Neighbor
It rained today (finally!!!) so I ecided to walk out and take a look at our garden. There's all these little sprounts coming out of the ground. Who knows, maybe they'll actually turn into veggies.
Anyway, on my way back I heard this voice coming over the fence.
It was our little old neightbor lady taking her dog out for some exercise and a poo. Of course, I had to walk over and say hi.
In Rob's shoes, which I threw on because they were there and I didn't want to step in one of our dogs messes. My feet are a size seven womens and his are thirteen men.
And the white tank top I slept in. With no bra.
And chocolate all over my face. Hey, they were really good cookies!
Way to make a good impression!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Dumb Diddy Dumb?
Some people might be wondering what the inspiration for the name Dumb Diddy Dumb came from. Like my sister Kathy who gained inspiration for her blog site kazoofus from my grandpa, I too drew from my grandfathers teachings in order to come up with a title for my (and Amy's) blog site name. My grandpa used to sing a variety of songs to us children, the one that always stuck with me goes as follows:
Oh she ripped and tore and she diddled on the floor and she wiped her "snif" (make a quick sniffing noise) on the knob of the door, and she piddled and diddled all over the floor DUM DIDDY DUM.
Amy, my (throat clearing noise,) better half, (where's the sarcasm font when you need it) suggested that we add the letter B behind DUM since our comments and observances on our blog site are less than genius. Well, that's the story behind that. Hope you enjoyed it.
posted by: Rob
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Another Dog Sweater

This is the in demand outfit for every well dressed dog this season. In the dog fashion world black is the new black and faux fur is the new pink! Rob says he saw a doggie work out outfit that we might want to pick up. I was thinking we could accesorize with some doggie goggles.

A Fat Cat Next To A Large Shoe
Here's a picture of our cat Noodle next to one of Rob's skis... I mean shoes. That's a size thirteen! It's getting to the point where I can barely lift this animal!
Rob's Kitty
Here's the original owner of the black sweater featured above. That's right, Rob also likes to dress the cats. She tolerates it. Sort of. This is the cat that reeks!
Here's the final cat, Kitty Bean. That's right, I creatively named my cat Kitty. Rob and the dog are in this picture too.
Cute, isn't she? Can you believe that the cats are afraid of this? It's like being afraid of cotton candy, or a light breeze. Amy and I have 3 cats: Bean, Cleo, and Noodle, all three of them are bigger than Ocho. Hell, Noodle is about 20lbs (Ocho being 7.5lbs) he's more than double her size, all he has to do is sit on her! Maybe they're not afraid of her, it's quite possible that they're afraid of her smelly ass. This dog could clear a room faster than my dad after he takes his shoes off. The smelly ass theory doesn't work for Cleo though, She to could clear an entire football stadium when she lets one loose. As far as Bean is concerned, he's not fat or smelly, He's very skinny and fluffy. He is the typical scaredy cat I think he is acually afraid of a light breeze, but he wouldn't hesitate to eat the cotton candy. I'm tellin' ya, this cat is a pig, he can eat anything and everything and not gain a pound (kinda like me I guess.)
Saturday, May 20, 2006
The New Dog
Can you believe some people think this dog is ugly? Ocho is four months old today. I thought we should get her a cake (or maybe a french silk pie!), but Rob seemed to find that a little excessive.
We've finally almost, totally, completely, finished painting the living room. We still have some touching up to do on one wall, but everything else is done. I never imagined it would be that hard to cover up nasty mint green paint.