Saturday, December 30, 2006

My Year In Reveiw - by Amy

Well, I saw this idea on Kazoofus, but I'm pretty sure it's been done a few million times before!

Day 19 - <> January <> This was not a great month. It started out with massive layoffs at work, followed by a nice demotion for me. If I ever hear anyone say, "Well, at least you still have a job!" in that irritatingly happy tone of voice, I may snap. I'm not lucky to be employed. They are extremely lucky to have me working for them. (I think I'm undemoted now, but no one has told me anything yet....) This was quickly followed by a car accident and some bruised or cracked ribs. That hurt! At least it was all the other guys fault. He lost control of his car and flew over an island into the passenger side of our car. The important thing is that the car is OK!
Goat Headed Man <> February <> This must have been a dull month. I don't remember much about it. I was in pain. It was very cold in the basement apartment we lived in. I hobbled around work and did next to nothing. I had ibuprofen that looked like horse pills.
DSC02671 <> March <> This is when we started looking for a house! I finally pestered Rob into it.
Ocho Running <> April <> We picked out our house. Since we knew we had a fenced in yard, we got a dog! My aunt wasn't too happy when we brought a smoosh faced dog home, but we both love her.
I'll add some more later!!!!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

The Class From Hell Is Over!!!

Who would have thought that going to school each day for a month would be so hard! I got an A in the class and passed the test to become a Registered Nurses Aide. Only a few years to go before I get to nursing school. From what I hear, good grades go a looooong way, so I'll have to see if I can keep these A's going.

Thursday I went from six hours of clinical to work. They didn't want to give me the day off, and calling in would have lost me my holiday pay! After work we went right to my test. I'm suprised I passed. When I got home I slept for about 16 hours. I've never been so tired in my life.

Now we get to start the Christmas frenzy. Blech. What the heck stuffing our faces and having present opening orgies has to do with anything is beyond me, but I hope it will be fun.

Saturday, December 09, 2006

This house is across the street and 2 doors down. Is it unreasonable for me to be scared just a little bit? I think what scares me the most are the big nutcracker dudes that they attached to their house.
F.Y.I. - The streak of light in the foreground is the tail lights of a passing car.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Why Are You Taking This Class Anyway????

I'm about halfway through my Nursing Assistant class now. Yay!!!! It's almost over!

Every day, we team up with a partner to practice skills. You know, turning people, washing them, making the beds, stuff like that. On the second day of class I had someone tell me that they truly hated the idea of having to deal with urine and feces. Personally, I wouldn't want to play in the stuff, but it's one of those facts of life. People poop. People pee. If someone can't clean themselves, SOMEONE has to do it for them. She also didn't want to deal with old people.

The next day I was partnered with someone who is foot phobic. She hates touching any ones feet. And she wants to be a LPN. Most LPNS work in nursing homes. Most of them touch feet.

The day after that I was partnered with someone who didn't want to look at genitals. She's planning on becoming a nurse too. Thankfully, we don't have to look at each others genitals, but we have to go to clinical to pass the class. At clinical, we'll be taking care of real people, with real genitalia. I think she's SOL.

I wonder who I'll wind up with tomorrow?


Monday, December 04, 2006

Have I mentioned lately how much I love my job?

I believe it was two summers ago, a big thunderstorm with lots of hail came through the area, damaging a lot of homes, mainly roofs. 99.9 percent of the people in the area had their roofs repaired, which of course, was covered by insurance. Our white trash neighbors on the other hand, are slower than most. Fast forward to today...... They are finally getting around to having their roof repaired, but that's not the real story here. The real story is the team of Mexicans who are doing the roof repair. At the time that this photo was taken, the temperature was 13 degrees, with a wind chill of -4. Now I've lived in this state for my whole life (29 years) and I think that it's cold out, so imagine how the Mexican fellas feel. I'm sure they're not so used to it. I guess the point to this story is: next time I'm at work grumbling about how much I hate my job, I'll think of those Mexican guys.

Sunday, December 03, 2006


Good god, this scares me! Amy looks better with my eyebrows and moustache than I do. From now on, call her Amos. I guess that's the male version of "Amy". Maybe I'll take a picture of her hair and put it on me.

The new table

This is our new table, it's not actually new, we got it from Amy's grandpa (who is no longer with us.) It's not the most fancy table in the world, but it works. Much bigger than the old one.