Thursday, May 25, 2006

I wish I was a.........

I wish I was a dog. Those are 6 words that I will hesitate to say in the future. Usually those words are spoken when referring to the fact that dogs don't have to go to work, or how all they do is sleep and eat. Well, I wish I was a dog no more. You see, the other day I was walking down the stairs to my basement. When I Got to the final step I noticed a big slimy hairball lying in the middle of the floor, coughed up by one of the cats of course. My first thought was to ignore it. You know, pretend like I didn't see it so that eventually Amy would come across it and have to clean it up, but:
A) I'm not that kind of person (Honestly!)
B) That's gross to leave a hairball on the floor
I went to get a paper towel so I could clean it up and when I returned, Ocho was in the spot where the hairball was, smacking her lips. Needless to say, the hairball was gone. That's GROSS!! Later while sitting on our porch, I noticed Ocho attempting to eat something off the ground, upon further investigation I realized that it was a dead bumble bee. So, for these reasons and others (like the whole but licking thing,) I DON'T Wish I was a dog!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gee... the pooping outside and only being able to eat when someone decided they wanted to feed me would have done it for me!

4:46 PM  
Blogger Kathy Howe said...


I'm just gonna say "ditto" to what Amy said.

5:06 PM  

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